• E. M. Klein, H. Heintz, R. Wurst, S. Schuldt, H. Hähl, K. Jacobs, J. Gescher:
      "Comparative analysis of the influence of BpfA and BpfG on biofilm development and current density in Shewanella oneidensis under oxic, fumarate- and anode- respiring conditions";
      Sci Rep 14 (2024) 23174 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-73474-w ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Engel, E. C. J. Gießelmann, L. Schumacher, Y. Zhang, F. Müller, O. Janka:
      "Synthesis, magnetic and NMR spectroscopic properties of the MAl5 Pt3 series (M = Ca, Y, La–Nd, Sm–Er)";
      Dalton Trans. 53 (2024) 12176 DOI: 10.1039/d4dt01296h ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • Y Yin, A Griffo, A Gutiérrez Cruz, H Hähl, K Jacobs, MB Linder:
      "Effect of Phosphate on the Molecular Properties, Interactions, and Assembly of Engineered Spider Silk Proteins";
      Biomacromolecules 25 (2024) 3990 DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.4c00115 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A. Ahmed, D. Wyn Müller, S. Bruyère, A. Holtsch, F. Müller, K. Brix, S. Migot, R. Kautenburger, K. Jacobs, J.–F. Pierson, F. Mücklich:
      "Antibacterial property alterations induced by low zinc content in laser-structured brass";
      Applied Surface Science 665 (2024) 160338 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.160338 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • K. Jacobs:
      "Why do things stick? The physics of adhesion and adsorption in biological systems";
      Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften (2024) DOI: 10.5446/67581 ⇒ Abstract

    • A. Griffo, C. Sparn, F. Lolicato, F. Nolle, N. Khangholi, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury, M. Brinkmann, W. Nickeld, H. Hähl :
      "Mechanics of biomimetic free-standing lipid membranes: insights into the elasticity of complex lipid compositions";
      RSC Adv. 14 (2024) 13044 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA00738G ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • K. Breitwieser, M. Bevilacqua, S. Mullassery, F. Dankert, B. Morgenstern, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, A. Biffis, C. Hering-Junghans, D. Munz:
      "Pd8(PDip)6: Cubic, Unsaturated, Zerovalent";
      Adv. Sci. (2024) 2400699 DOI: 10.1002/advs.202400699 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • G. Gunaratnam, R. Leisering, B. Wieland, J. Dudek, N. Miosge, S. L. Becker, M. Bischoff, S. C. Dawson, M. Hannig, K. Jacobs, C. Klotz, T. Aebischer, P. Jung:
      "Characterization of a unique attachment organelle: Single-cell force spectroscopy of Giardia duodenalis trophozoites";
      Nanoscale 16 (2024) 7145 DOI: 10.1039/d4nr00122b ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • C. Spengler, E. Maikranz, B. Glatz, M.A. Klatt, H. Heintz, M. Bischoff, L. Santen, A. Fery, K. Jacobs:
      "The adhesion capability of Staphylococcus aureus cells is heterogeneously distributed over the cell envelope";
      Soft Matter 20 (2024) 484 DOI: 10.1039/d3sm01045g ⇒ Abstract
      Pressemitteilung [ ] PDF


    • U. Herb, A. Holtsch, K. Jacobs, T. Köstenbach, F. Müller:
      "Im Bann der Untätigkeit: Wie Journale auf wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten (nicht) reagieren";
      b.i.t. online 26 (2023) Nr. 5 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Nolle, L. J. Starke, A. Griffo, M. Lienemann, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury, J. S. Hub, H. Hähl:
      "Hydrophobin Bilayer as Water Impermeable Protein Membrane";
      Langmuir 39 (2023) 13790 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01006 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A. Saddiqa Ahmed, D. Wyn Müller, S. Bruyere, A. Holtsch, F. Müller, J. Barrirero, K. Brix, S. Migot, R. Kautenburger, K. Jacobs, J.-F. Pierson, F. Mücklich:
      "Surface Modification of Brass via Ultrashort Pulsed Direct Laser Interference Patterning and Its Effect on Bacteria-Substrate Interaction";
      ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2023) DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c04801 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • T. MacLucas, S. Schütz, S. Suarez, F. Müller, F. Mücklich:
      "Parametric analysis of the coating thickness development of electrophoretically deposited carbon nanotube coatings";
      Carbon Trends 11 (2023) 100265 DOI: 10.1016/j.cartre.2023.100265 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] Info
    • A. A. Severin, D. Rauber, S. Pachoula, F. Philippi, I. Radev, A. Holtsch, F. Müller, M. Baumgärtner, R. Hempelmann, C. W. M. Kay:
      "P-containing coated carbons from phosphonium ionic liquids as catalyst supports for fuel cell applications";
      Sustainable Energy Fuels 7 (2023) 752 DOI: 10.1039/d2se01332k ⇒ Abstract
      [ ][1]


    • M. A. Klatt, M. Hörmann, K. Mecke:
      "Characterization of anisotropic Gaussian random fields by Minkowski tensors";
      J. Stat. Mech. (2022) 043301 DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/ac5dc1 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • M. A. Klatt, P. J. Steinhardt, S. Torquato :
      "Wave propagation and band tails of two-dimensional disordered systems in the thermodynamic limit";
      PNAS 119 (2022) e2213633119 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2213633119 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Lolicato, R. Saleppico, A. Griffo, B. Bruegger, K. Jacobs, Ilpo Vattulainen, W. Nickel:
      "A critical role for cholesterol in Pl (4, 5)P2-dependent unconventional secretion of fibroblast growth factor 2";
      Biophys. J. 121 (2022) 76 DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2021.11.2302 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • J. Fiedler, K. Berland, J. W. Borchert, R. W. Corkery, A. Eisfeld, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, M. M. Greve, B. Holst, K. Jacobs, M. Krüger, D. F. Parsons, C. Persson, M. Presselt, T. Reisinger, S. Scheel, F. Stienkemeier, M. Tomterud, M. Walter, R. T. Weitz, J. Zalieckas:
      "Perspectives on weak interactions in comlex materials at different length scales";
      Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2022) DOI: 10.1039/D2CP03349F ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Lolicato, R. Saleppico, A. Griffo, A. Meyer, F. Scollo, B. Pokrandt, H.-M. Müller, H. Ewers, H. Hähl, J.-B. Fleury, R. Seemann, M. Hof, B. Brügger, K. Jacobs, I. Vattulainen, W. Nickel:
      "Cholesterol promotes clustering of PI(4,5)P2 driving unconventional secretion of FGF2";
      J Cell Biol 221 (2022) e202106123 DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202106123 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A. Som, A. Griffo, I. Chakraborty , H. Hähl, B. Mondal, A. Chakraborty, K. Jacobs, P. Laaksonen, O. Ikkala, T. Pradeep, N. Nonappa:
      "Strong and elastic membranes via hydrogen bonding directed self-assembly of atomically precise nanoclusters";
      Small (2022) accepted DOI: 10.1002/smll.202201707

    • J. Mischo, T. Faidt, R. B. McMillan, J. Dudek, G. Gunaratnam, P. Bayenat, A. Holtsch, C. Spengler, F. Müller, H. Hähl, M. Bischoff, M. Hannig, K. Jacobs:
      "Hydroxyapatite Pellets as Versatile Model Surfaces for Systematic Adhesion Studies on Enamel: A Force Spectroscopy Case Study";
      ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. (2022) DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c00925 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • A. Griffo, J.-B. Fleury, K. Jacobs, W. Nickel, R. Seemann, F. Nolle, C. Sparn, H. Hähl:
      "Insights on the effect of cholesterol and sphingomyelin on tension and elasticity of plasmalike freestanding model membranes from natural lipids";
      European Biophysics Journal (conference contribution) 50 (2021) 134

    • F. Nolle, A. Griffo, K. Kochems, M. Lienemann, P. Laaksonen, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury, K. Jacobs, H. Hähl,:
      "Pure protein bilayers made from fungal hydrophobins: characteristics and chances for usage";
      European Biophysics Journal (conference contribution) 50 (2021) 171

    • C. Spengler, F. Nolle, N. Thewes, B. Wieland, P. Jung, M. Bischoff, K. Jacobs,:
      "Using Knock-Out Mutants to Investigate the Adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus to Abiotic Surfaces.";
      Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22 (2021) 11952 DOI: 10.3390/ijms222111952 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • G. Gunaratnam, J. Dudek, P. Jung, S. L. Becker, K. Jacobs , M. Bischoff, M. Hannig :
      "Quantification of the Adhesion Strength of Candida albicans to Tooth Enamel";
      Microorganisms 9 (2021) 2213 DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms9112213 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • T. Winter, M. Bitsch, F. Müller, S. Voskian, T.A. Hatton, K. Jacobs, V. Presser, M. Gallei:
      "Redox-responsive 2-aminoanthraquinone core-shell particles for structural colors and carbon capture";
      ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 3 (2021) 4651 DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.1c00746 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • C. Spenger, E. Maikranz, L. Santen, and K. Jacobs:
      "Modelling bacterial adhesion to unconditioned abiotic surfaces (Mini Review)";
      Front. Mech. Eng. 7 (2021) 661370 DOI: 10.3389/fmech.2021.661370 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • C. Spengler, B.A. Glatz, E. Maikranz, M. Bischoff, M.A. Klatt, L. Santen, A. Fery, K. Jacobs:
      "The adhesion capability of S. aureus cells is heterogeneously distributed over the cell envelope";
      bioRxiv (2021) DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.05.425282 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • J. Mischo, T. Faidt, R.B. McMillan, J. Dudek, G. Gunaratnam, P. Bayenat, A. Holtsch, C. Spengler, F. Mueller, H. Hähl, M. Bischoff, M. Hannig, K. Jacobs:
      "Hydroxyapatite pellets as versatile model surfaces for systematic studies on enamel";
      bioRxiv (2021) DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.11.426207 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • T. B. Hain, M. A. Klatt, G. E. Schröder-Turk:
      "Low-temperature statistical mechanics of the Quantizer problem: Fast quenching and equilibrium cooling of the three-dimensional Voronoi liquid";
      J. Chem. Phys. 153 (2020) 234505 DOI: 10.1063/5.0029301 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • I. K. Backes, L. González-Garcı́a, A. Holtsch, F. Müller, K. Jacobs, T. Kraus:
      "Molecular Origin of Electrical Conductivity in Gold–Polythiophene Hybrid Particle Films";
      J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11 (2020) 10538 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02831 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • G. Gunaratnam, C. Spengler, S. Trautmann, P. Jung, J. Mischo, B. Wieland, C. Metz, S. Becker, M. Hannig, K. Jacobs, M. Bischoff:
      "Human blood plasma factors affect the adhesion kinetics of Staphylococcus aureus to central venous catheters";
      Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 20992 DOI: DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-77168-x ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • D. W. Müller, A. Holtsch, S. Lößlein, C. Pauly, C. Spengler, S. Grandthyll, K. Jacobs, F. Mücklich, F. Müller:
      "In-depth investigation of copper surface chemistry modification by ultrashort pulsed direct laser interference pattering";
      Langmuir 36 (2020) 13415 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c01625 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • P. Jung, C. E. Mischo, G. Gunaratnam, C. Spengler, S. L. Becker, B. Hube, K. Jacobs, M. Bischoff:
      "Candida albicans adhesion to central venous catheters: Impact of blood plasma-driven germ tube formation and pathogen-derived adhesins";
      Virulence 11 (2020) 1453 DOI: 10.1080/21505594.2020.1836902 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Kumari, G. Lang, E. DeSimone, C. Spengler, V. T. Trossmann, S. Lücker, M. Hudel, K. Jacobs, N. Krämer, T. Scheibel:
      "Engineered spider silk-based 2D and 3D materials prevent microbial infestation";
      Materials Today 41 (2020) 21 DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2020.06.009 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] Pressemitteilung
    • S. Kumari, G. Lang, E. DeSimone, C. Spengler, V. T. Trossmann, S. Lücker, M. Hudel, K. Jacobs, N. Krämer, T. Scheibel:
      "Data for microbe resistant engineered recombinant spider silk protein based 2D and 3D materials";
      Data in Brief 32 (2020) 106305 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106305 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • E. Maikranz, C. Spengler, N. Thewes, A. Thewes, F. Nolle, P. Jung, M. Bischoff, L. Santen, K. Jacobs:
      "Different binding mechanisms of Staphylococcus aureus to hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces";
      Nanoscale 12 (2020) 19267 DOI: 10.1039/d0nr03134h ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] Press coverage
    • S. Bechtel, C. Nies, F. Fug, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, W. Possart:
      "Thin epoxy layers on native aluminium oxide: Specific ageing processes in mild conditions";
      Thin Solid Films 695 (2020) 137756 DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2019.137756 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • K.Jacobs:
      "Last und Lust der Evaluation";
      Auszug aus dem Jahresbericht 2018 des Wissenschaftsrats (2019) 29 ISBN: 978-935353-87-8
      [ ]
    • G. Gunaratnam, P. Jung, J. Willeit, C. Spengler, K. Jacobs, M. Bischoff:
      "Probing the Adhesion Forces of Staphylococcus aureus to Central Venous Catheters by Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy";
      Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (S1) (2019) 53 DOI: 10.1017/S1431927618015994 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • G. Gunaratnam, L. Tuchscherr, M. I. Elhawy, R. Bertram, J. Eisenbeis, C. Spengler, T. Tschernig, B. Löffler, G. A. Somerville, K. Jacobs, M. Herrmann, M. Bischoff:
      "ClpC affects the intracellular survival capacity of Staphylococcus aureus in non-professional phagocytic cells";
      Sci. Rep. 9 (2019) 16267 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • P. Fratzl, K. Jacobs, M. Möller, T. Scheibel, K. Sternberg:
      "(Hrsg.): Materialforschung: Impulsgeber Natur – Innovationspotenzial biologisch inspirierter Materialien und Werkstoffe (acatech DISKUSSION)
      Engl. Version: Materials Research: Inspired by Nature – Innovation Potential of Biologically Inspired Materials (acatech DISCUSSION), Munich 2020.";

      München: utzverlag, ISSN 2192-6182 (2019) PDF ⇒ Abstract

    • C. Spengler, F. Nolle, J. Mischo, T. Faidt, S. Grandthyll, N. Thewes, M. Koch, F. Müller, M. Bischoff, M. A. Klatt, K. Jacobs:
      "Strength of bacterial adhesion on nano-structured surfaces quantified by substrate morphometry ";
      Nanoscale 11 (2019) 19713 DOI: 10.1039/C9NR04375F ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, C. Spengler, T. Faidt, A. Holtsch, H. Hähl:
      "Comment on “Sonophotocatalytic degradation of textile dyes over Cuimpregnated ZnO catalyst in aqueous solution” by J. Shah et al.,Process Saf. Environ. Prot. 2018. 116 (2018) 149–158";
      Process. Saf. Environ. 129 (2019) 149 DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2019.05.054 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • H. Hähl, A. Griffo, N. Safaridehkohneh, J. Heppe, S. Backes, M. Lienemann, M. B. Linder, L. Santen, P. Laaksonen, K. Jacobs:
      "Dynamic Assembly of Class II Hydrophobins from T. reesei at the Air–Water Interface";
      Langmuir 35 (2019) 9202-9212 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01078 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • D. Peschka, S. Haefner, L. Marquant, K. Jacobs, A. Münch, B. Wagner:
      "Signatures of slip in dewetting polymer films";
      PNAS 116 (2019) 9275 DOI: 0.1073/pnas.1820487116 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A. Griffo, B.J.M. Rooijakkers, H. Hähl, K. Jacobs, M.B. Linder, P. Laaksonen:
      "Binding Forces of Cellulose Binding Modules on Cellulosic Nanomaterials";
      Biomacromolecules 20 (2019) 769 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Güth-Thiel, I. Kraus-Kuleszka, H. Mantz, W. Hoth-Hannig, H. Hähl, J. Dudek, K. Jacobs, M. Hannig:
      "Comprehensive measurements of salivary pellicle thickness formed at different intraoral sites on Si wafers and bovine enamel";
      Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 246 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • W.-M. Munief, X. Lu, T. Teucke, J. Wilhelm, A. Britz, F. Hempel, R. Lanche, M. Schwartz, J. Ka Yan Law, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, J.-U. Neurohr, K. Jacobs, M. Schmitt, V. Pachauri, R. Hempelmann, S. Ingebrandt:
      "Reduced graphene oxide biosensor platform for the detection of NT-proBNP biomarker in its clinical range";
      Biosensors and Bioelectronics 126 (2019) 136 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • T. Faidt , A. Friedrichs, S. Grandthyll, C. Spengler, K. Jacobs, F. Müller:
      "Effect of Fluoride Treatment on the Acid Resistance of Hydroxyapatite";
      Langmuir 34 (2018) 15253 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Grandthyll, T. Faidt, C. Spengler, H. Hähl:
      "Comment on “XPS and FTIR studies of sodium arsenate vitrification by cullet” by Z. Zhao et al., J. Non-Cryst. Solids 452 (2016) 238–244";
      Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 502 (2018) 253 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • K. Khurana, F. Müller, K. Jacobs, T. Faidt, J.-U. Neurohr, S. Grandthyll, F. Mücklich, C. Canal, M. P. Ginebra:
      "Plasma polymerized bioceramics for drug delivery: Do surface changes alter biological behaviour?";
      European Polymer Journal 107 (2018) 25 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • H. Hähl, J. Nabor Vargas, M. Jung, A. Griffo, P. Laaksonen, M. Lienemann, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury:
      "Adhesion Properties of Freestanding Hydrophobin Bilayers";
      Langmuir 34 (2018) 8542 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • J. Eisenbeis, M. Saffarzadeh, H. Peisker, P. Jung, N. Thewes, K. T. Preissner, M. Herrmann, V. Molle, B. V. Geisbrecht, K. Jacobs, M. Bischoff:
      "The Staphylococcus aureus Extracellular Adherence Protein Eap Is a DNA Binding Protein Capable of Blocking Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation";
      Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 8 (2018) 235 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, J. U. Neurohr, S. Grandthyll, A. Holtsch, B. Uder, K. Jacobs, M. Weinl, M. Schreck:
      "Epitaxial Growth of Graphene on Single-Crystal Cu(111) Wafers";
      Wandelt, K., (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry 3 (2018) 97 ISBN: 9780128097397 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • X. Lu, W.-M. Munief, F. Heib, M. Schmitt, A. Britz, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, J.-U. Neurohr, K. Jacobs, H. Mohamed Benia, R. Lanche, V. Pachauri, R. Hempelmann, S. Ingebrandt:
      "Front-End-of-Line Integration of Graphene Oxide for Graphene-Based Electrical Platforms";
      Adv. Mater. Technol. 3 (2018) 1700318 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Suarez, L. Reinert, M. Zeiger, P. Miska, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, V. Presser, F. Mücklich :
      "In-situ nanodiamond to carbon onion transformation in metal matrix composites";
      Carbon 129 (2018) 631 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • M. Lessel, J.D. McGraw, O. Bäumchen, K. Jacobs :
      "Nucleated dewetting in supported ultra-thin liquid films with hydrodynamic slip";
      Soft Matter 13 (2017) 4756 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A. Holtsch, T. Euwens, B. Uder, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, U.Hartmann:
      "Analysis of atomic Moiré patterns on graphene/Rh(1 1 1)";
      Surface Science 668 (2017) 107 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A. Griffo, H. Hähl, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, A.Paananen, M. Ilmén, G. R. Szilvay, C.P. Landowski, M. Penttilä,K. Jacobs, P. Laaksonen:
      "Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Study on Modular Resilin Fusion Protein";
      ACS Omega 2 (2017) 6906 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • C. Spengler, N. Thewes, Ph. Jung, M. Bischoff, and K. Jacobs:
      "Determination of the nano-scaled contact area of Staphylococcal cells";
      Nanoscale 9 (2017) 10084 ⇒ Abstract

    • M. Hauf, F. Richter, T. Schneider, T. Faidt, B.M. Martins, T. Baumann, P. Durkin, H. Dobbek, K.Jacobs, A. Möglich, and N. Budisa:
      "Photoactivatable mussel-based underwater adhesive proteins by an expanded genetic code";
      ChemBioChem 18 (2017) 1819 ⇒ Abstract

    • T. Faidt, C. Zeitz, S. Grandthyll, M. Hans, M. Hannig, K. Jacobs, and F. Müller:
      "Time Dependence of Fluoride Uptake in Hydroxyapatite";
      ACS Biomater Sci 3 (2017) 1822 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • J.D. Mc Graw, M. Klos, A. Bridet, H. Hähl, M. Paulus, J.M. Castillo, M. Horsch, and K. Jacobs:
      "Influence of bidisperse self-assembled monolayer structure on the slip boundary condition of thin polymer films";
      J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017) 203326 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • J. Eisenbeis, H. Peisker, C.S. Backes, S. Bur, S. Hölters, N. Thewes, M. Greiner, C. Junker, E.C. Schwarz, M. Hoth, K. Junkerc K. T. Preissner, K. Jacobs, M. Herrmann, M. Bischoff:
      "The extracellular adherence protein (Eap) of Staphylococcus aureus acts as a proliferation and migration repressing factor that alters the cell morphology of keratinocytes";
      Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 307 (2017) 116 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • H. Hähl, J.N. Vargas, A. Griffo, P. Laaksonen, G. Szilvay, M. Lienemann, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury:
      "Pure Protein Bilayers and Vesicles from Native Fungal Hydrophobins";
      Advanced Materials 29 (2017) 1602888 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] weitere Informationen
    • F. Müller, T. Faidt, S. Grandthyll, H. Natter:
      "Comment on 'CuYb0.5Fe1.5O4 nanoferrite adsorbent structural, morphological and functionalization characteristics for multiple pollutant removal by response surface methodology' by M.A. Rehman et al., J. Mol. Liq. 224 (2016) 1256–1265";
      J. Mol. Liq. 233 (2017) 52 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • C. Spengler, N. Thewes, F. Nolle, T. Faidt, N. Umanskaya, M. Hannig, M. Bischoff, K. Jacobs:
      "Enhanced adhesion of Streptococcus mutans to hydroxyapatite after exposure to saliva";
      J. Mol. Recognit. 30 (2017) e2615 DOI: 10.1002/jmr.2615 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • J.D. McGraw, T. S. Chan, S. Maurer, T. Salez, M. Benzaquen, E. Raphaël, M. Brinkmann, K. Jacobs:
      "Slip-mediated dewetting of polymer microdroplets";
      PNAS 113 (2016) 1168 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] weitere Informationen
    • B. Kann, C. Spengler, K. Coradini, L. A. Rigo, M.L. Bennink, K. Jacobs, H.L. Offerhaus, R.C R. Beck, M. Windbergs:
      "Intracellular Delivery of Poorly Soluble Polyphenols: Elucidating the Interplay of Self-Assembling Nanocarriers and Human Chondrocytes";
      Analytical Chemistry 88 (2016) 7014 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • C. Zeitz, T. Faidt, S. Grandthyll, H. Hähl, N. Thewes,C. Spengler, J. Schmauch, M. J. Deckarm, C. Gachot, H. Natter, M. Hannig, F. Müller, K. Jacobs:
      "Synthesis of hydroxyapatite substrates: bridging the gap between model surfaces and enamel";
      ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (2016) 25848 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S.M. Sabzevari, J.D. McGraw, P. Wood-Adams:
      "Short Chains Enhance Slip of Highly Entangled Polystyrenes during Thin Film Dewetting";
      RSC Advances 6 (2016) 91163 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • H. Hähl, I. Möller, I. Kiesel, S. Campioni, R. Riek, D. Verdes, and S. Seeger:
      "α‑Synuclein Insertion into Supported Lipid Bilayers As Seen by in Situ X‑ray Reflectivity";
      ACS Chem. Neurosci. 6 (2015) 374 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • O. Bäumchen, H. Hähl, P. Loskill, K. Jacobs:
      "Vom Photolack zum Gecko: Wie intermolekulare Kräfte Adhäsion, Adsorption und Benetzung beeinflussen";
      PhysikJournal 14 (2015) 37 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • J. McGraw, K. Jacobs:
      "Controlling wetting properties of polymers 'Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials', edited. by S. Kobayashi and K. Müllen ";
      Springer Heidelberg (2015) 1 - 10 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-36199-9_369-1 ISBN: 978-3-642-29647-5 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] further information
    • A. Rosenkranz, L. Reinert, C. Gachot, H. Aboufadl, S. Grandthyll, K. Jacobs, F. Müller, F. Mücklich:
      "Oxide formation, morphology, and nanohardness of laser-patterned steel surfaces";
      Adv. Eng. Mater 8 (2015) 1234 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S.Grandthyll, K. Jacobs, F. Müller:
      "Liquid-source growth of graphene on Ag(001)";
      Phys.Status Solidi B 8 (2015) 1689 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • M. Lessel, O. Bäumchen, M. Klos, H. Hähl, R. Fetzer, M. Paulus, R. Seemann, K. Jacobs:
      "Self-assembled silane monolayers: an efficient step-by-step recipe for high-quality, low energy surfaces";
      Surf. Interface Anal. 47 (2015) 557 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • J. M. Castillo, M. Klos, K. Jacobs, M. Horsch, H. Hasse:
      "Characterization of Alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers by Molecular Simulation";
      Langmuir 31 (2015) 2630 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Haefner, M. Benzaquen, O. Bäumchen, T. Salez, R. Peters, J.D. McGraw, K. Jacobs, E. Raphaél, K. Dalnoki-Veress:
      "Influence of Slip on the Plateau-Rayleigh Instability on a Fibre";
      Nature Comm. 6 (2015) 7409 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] weitere Informationen autre information
    • L. E. Delle, C. Huck, M. Bäcker, F. Müller, S. Grandthyll, K. Jacobs, R. Lilischkis, X. T. Vu, M. J. Schöning, P. Wagner, R. Thoelen, M. Weil, S. Ingebrandt:
      "Impedimetric immunosensor for the detection of histamine based on reduced graphene oxide";
      Phys. Status Solidi A 212 (2015) 1327 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Haefner, O. Bäumchen, K. Jacobs:
      "Capillary droplet propulsion on a fibre";
      Soft Matter 11 (2015) 6921 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. M. Sabzevari, J. D. McGraw, K. Jacobs, P. Wood-Adams:
      "Sacrificial Mica Substrates Influence the Slip Boundary Condition of Dewetting Polymer Films";
      Polymer 78 (2015) 202 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • N. Thewes, A. Thewes, P. Loskill, H. Peisker, M. Bischoff, M. Herrmann, L. Santen, K. Jacobs:
      "Stochastic binding of Staphylococcus aureus to hydrophobic surfaces (Open Access via SciDok)";
      Soft Matter 11 (2015) 8913 DOI: 10.22028/D291-31022 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] weitere Informationen
    • N. Thewes, P. Loskill, C. Spengler, S. Hümbert, M.Bischoff, K. Jacobs:
      "A detailed guideline for the fabrication of single bacterial probes used for atomic force spectroscopy (Open Access via SciDok)";
      Eur. Phys. J.E 38 (2015) 140 DOI: 10.22028/D291-31020 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • Y. Chai, T. Salez, J. D. McGraw, M. Benzaquen, K. Dalnoki-Veress, E. Raphaël, J. A. Forrest:
      "A direct quantitative measure of surface mobility in a glassy polymer";
      Science 343 (2014) 994 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Grandthyll, S. Gsell, M. Weinl, M. Schreck, K. Jacobs:
      "Graphene from fingerprints: Exhausting the performance of liquid precursor deposition";
      Langmuir 30 (2014) 6114 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] weitere Informationen
    • J. D. McGraw, O. Bäumchen, M. Klos, S. Haefner, M. Lessel, S. Backes, K. Jacobs:
      "Nanofluidics of thin polymer films: Linking the slip boundary condition at solid-liquid interfaces to macroscopic pattern formation and microscopic interfacial properties";
      Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 210 (2014) 13 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • O. Bäumchen, L. Marquant, R. Blossey, A. Münch, B. Wagner, K. Jacobs:
      "Influence of slip on the Rayleigh-plateau rim instability in dewetting viscous films";
      Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 14501 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] weitere Informationen
    • N. Thewes, P. Loskill, P. Jung, H. Peisker, M. Bischoff, M. Herrmann, K. Jacobs:
      "Hydrophobic interaction governs unspecific adhesion of staphylococci: a single cell force spectroscopy study";
      Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 5 (2014) 1501 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • P. Loskill, P. M. Pereira, P. Jung, M. Bischoff, M. Herrmann, M. G. Pinho, K. Jacobs:
      "Reduction of the peptidoglycan crosslinking causes a decrease in stiffness of the Staphylococcus aureus cell envelope";
      Biophysical Journal 107 (2014) 1082 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • B. Diesel, J. Hoppstädter, N. Hachenthal, R. Zarboc, C. Cavelius, B. Wahl, N. Thewes, K. Jacobs, A. Kraegeloh, A.K. Kiemer:
      "Activation of Rac1 GTPase by nanoparticulate structures in human macrophages";
      Eur J Pharm Biopharm 84 (2013) 315 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Hüfner, F. Müller:
      "Gaps in cuprate high-temperature superconductors";
      Physica C 485 (2013) 83 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • P. Loskill, J. Puthoff, M. Wilkinson, K. Mecke, K. Jacobs, K. Autumn:
      "Macroscale adhesion of gecko setae reflects nanoscale differences in subsurface composition";
      J. R. Soc. Interface 10 (2013) 20120587 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Grandthyll, M. Lessel, S. Hüfner:
      "Comment on 'SEM/EDX and XPS studies of niobium after electropolishing' by T.Hryniewicz, K. Rokosz, H.R. Zschommler Sandim (Appl. Surf. Sci. 263 (2012)357-361)";
      Appl. Surf. Sci. 265 (2013) 686 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • P. Gutfreund, O. Bäumchen, R. Fetzer, D. van der Grinten, M. Maccarini, K. Jacobs, H. Zabel, M. Wolff:
      "Solid surface structure affects liquid order at the polystyrene–self-assembled-monolayer interface";
      Phys. Rev. E 87 (2013) 12306 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, M. Lessel, S. Grandthyll, K. Jacobs, S. Hüfner, S. Gsell, M. Weinl, M. Schreck:
      "Increasing the wear resistance by interstitial alloying with boron via chemical vapor deposition";
      Langmuir 29 (2013) 4543 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • P. Loskill, C. Zeitz, C. Grandthyll, N. Thewes, F. Müller, M. Bischof, M. Herrmann, K. Jacobs:
      "Reduced adhesion of oral bacteria on hydroxyapatite by fluoride treatment";
      Langmuir 29 (2013) 5528 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • M. Lessel, P. Loskill, F. Hausen, N. N. Gosvami, R. Bennewitz, K. Jacobs:
      "Impact of van der Waals interactions on single asperity friction";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 35502 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Grandthyll, M. Lessel, S. Hüfner:
      "Comment on 'Electrochemical behavior of different structural states of the alloy Ti60Ni40' by S. Mathur et al. and related works";
      Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 376 (2013) 2290234 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Grandthyll:
      "Monolayer formation of hexagonal boron nitride on Ag(001)";
      Surface Science 617 (2013) 207 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • P. Loskill, H. Hähl, T. Faidt, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, K. Jacobs:
      "Is adhesion superficial? Silicon wafers as a model system to study van der Waals interactions";
      Adv. Coll. Interf. Sci. 107 (2012) 179182 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • O. Bäumchen, R. Fetzer, M. Klos, M. Lessel, L. Marquant, H. Hähl, K. Jacobs:
      "Slippage and nanorheology of thin liquid polymer films";
      J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 325102 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • J. Heinrich, R. Busch, F. Müller, S. Grandthyll, S. Hüfner:
      "Role of aluminum as an oxygen-scavenger in zirconium based bulk metallic glasses";
      Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (2012) 71909 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A. Uchugonova, M. Lessel, S. Nietzsche, C. Zeitz, K. Jacobs, C. Lemke, K. König:
      "Nanosurgery of cells and chromosomes using near-infrared twelve-femtosecond laser pulses";
      J. Biomedical Optics 17 (2012) 101502 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • H. Hähl, F. Evers, S. Grandthyll, M. Paulus, C. Sternemann, P. Loskill, M. Lessel, A. K. Hüsecken, T. Brenner, M. Tolan, K. Jacobs:
      "Subsurface influence on the structure of protein adsorbates revealed by in situ X-ray reflectivity";
      Langmuir 28 (2012) 7747 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • P. Loskill, H. Hähl, N. Thewes, C. T. Kreis, M. Bischoff, M. Herrmann, K. Jacobs:
      "Influence of the subsurface composition of a material on the adhesion of staphylococci";
      Langmuir 28 (2012) 7242 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Grandthyll, S. Gsell, M. Weinl, M. Schreck, S. Hüfner, F. Müller:
      "Epitaxial growth of graphene on transition metal surfaces: chemical vapor deposition versus liquid phase deposition";
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 314204 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • B. Raillard, L. Gouton, E. Ramos-Moore, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, F. Mücklich:
      "Ablation effects of femtosecond laser functionalization on steel surfaces";
      Surface and Coatings Technology 207 (2012) 102 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • T.J. Hakala, P. Laaksonen, V. Saikko, T. Ahlroos, A. Helle, R. Mahlberg, H. Hähl, K. Jacobs, P. Kuosmanen, M.B. Linder, K. Holmberg:
      "Adhesion and tribological properties of hydrophobin proteins in aqueous lubrication on stainless steel surfaces";
      RSC Advances 2 (2012) 9867 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Hüfner, F. Müller:
      "The deviation in the d-wave behaviour of the gaps in cuprate high-temperature superconductors";
      Physica C 483 (2012) 165 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • M. Hans, F. Müller, S. Grandthyll, S. Hüfner, F. Mücklich:
      "Anisotropic wetting of copper alloys induced by one-step laser micro-patterning";
      Applied Surface Science 263 (2012) 416 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • S. Varjonen, P. Laaksonen, A. Paananen, H. Valo, H. Hähl, T. Laaksonen, M. Ben Linder:
      "Self-assembly of cellulose nanofibrils by genetically engineered fusion proteins";
      Soft Matter 7 (2011) 2402 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • H. Sachdev, F. Müller, S. Hüfner:
      "Formation of boron-based films and boron nitride layers by CVD of a boron ester";
      Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 50 (2011) 3701 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Grandthyll. C. Zeitz, K. Jacobs, S. Hüfner, S. Gsell, M. Schreck:
      "Epitaxial growth of graphene on Ir(111) by liquid precursor deposition";
      Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 75472 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • O. Bäumchen, K. Jacobs:
      "Slip effects in polymer thin films";
      J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 (2010) 33102 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A.J. Pollard, E.W. Perkins, N.A. Smith, A. Saywell, G. Goretzki, A.G. Phillips, S.P. Argent, H. Sachdev, F. Müller, S. Hüfner, S. Gsell, M. Fischer, M. Schreck, J. Osterwalder, T. Greber, S. Berner, N.R. Champness, P.H. Beton:
      "Supramolecular assemblies formed on an epitaxial graphene superstructure";
      Angew. Chem. 122 (2010) 1838 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • H. Sachdev, F. Müller, S. Hüfner:
      "BN analogues of graphene: On the formation mechanism of boronitrene layers - Solids with extreme structural anisotropy";
      Diam. Rel. Mat. 19 (2010) 1027 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner:
      "Remarks on the order parameter of the cuprate hight temperature superconductors";
      Physica C 470 (2010) 565 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner, H. Sachdev, S. Gsell, M. Schreck:
      "Epitaxial Growth of hexagonal boron nitride monolayers by a three-step boration-oxidation-nitrification process";
      Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 75405 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • Y. Schmitt, H. Hähl, C. Gilow, H. Mantz, K. Jacobs, O. Leidinger, M. Bellion, L.Santen:
      "Structural evolution of protein-biofilms: Simulations and experiments";
      Biomicrofluidics 4 (2010) 32201 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner, H. Sachdev, R. Laskowski, P. Blaha, K. Schwarz:
      "Epitaxial growth of hexagonal boron nitride on Ag(111)";
      Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 113406 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • O. Bäumchen, K. Jacobs:
      "Can liquids slide? Linking stability and dynamics of thin liquid films to microscopic material properties";
      Soft Matter 6 (2010) 6028 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • O. Bäumchen, M. Lessel, R. Fetzer, R. Seemann, K. Jacobs:
      "Sliding fluids: Dewetting experiments reveal the solid/liquid boundary condition";
      J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 216 (2010) 12002 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, C. Zeitz, H. Mantz, K.-H. Ehses, F. Soldera, J. Schmauch, M. Hannig, S. Hüfner, K. Jacobs:
      "Elemental depth profiling of fluoridated hydroxyapatite: Saving your dentition by the skin of your teeth?";
      Langmuir 26 (2010) 18750 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner:
      "Comment on surface XPS characterization of NiTi shape memory alloy after advanced oxidation processes in UV/H2O2 photocatalytic system' (R.M. Wang et al., Appl. Surf. Sci. 253 (2007) 8507)";
      Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 (2009) 3902 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner, H. Sachdev:
      "Epitaxial growth of boron nitride on a Rh (111) multilayer system: Formation and fine tuning of a BN- nano mesh";
      Surf. Sci. 603 (2009) 425 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • H. Kohlmann, F. Müller, K. Stöwe, A. Zalga, H.P. Beck:
      "Hydride formation in the intermetallic compounds CePd3 and CeRh3";
      Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 635 (2009) 1407 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner, H. Sachdev, A.J. Pollard, E.W. Perkins, J.C. Russel, P.H. Beton, S. Gsell, M. Fischer, M. Schreck, B. Stritzker:
      "How does graphene grow? – An easy access to well ordered graphene films";
      SMALL 5 (2009) 2291 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • M. Krämer, K. Stöwe, M. Duisberg, F. Müller, M. Reiser, S. Sticher, W.F. Maier:
      "The impact of dopants on the activity and selectivity of a Ni-based methanation catalyst";
      Applied Catalysis A General 369 (2009) 42 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • M. Hans, C. Gachot, F. Müller, F. Mücklich:
      "Direct laser interference structuring as a tool to gradually tune the wetting response of titanium and polyimide surfaces";
      Advanced Engineering Materials 11 (2009) 795 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • P. Croizat, F. Müller, H. Mantz, A. Englisch, R. Welter, P. Braunstein, S. Hüfner:
      "Synthesis of functional heterometallic complexes, their self-assembly on gold surfaces and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies";
      C. R. Chimie 12 (2009) 1228 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • Rebecca L. Rich et al:
      "A global benchmarkstudy using affinity-based biosensors";
      Analytical Biochemistry 386 (2009) 194 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • O. Bäumchen, R. Fetzer, A. Münch, B. Wagner, K. Jacobs:
      "Comprehensive analysis of dewetting profiles to quantify hydrodynamic slip";
      IUTAM Symposium on advances in micro- and nanofluidics, (2009) 0 ISBN: ISBN 2-906831-76-X ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • O. Bäumchen, R. Fetzer, K. Jacobs:
      "Reduced interfacial entanglement density affects the boundary conditions of polymer flow";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 247801 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • A. Chassé, Ch. Langheinrich, F. Müller, S. Hüfner:
      "Growth and structure of thin MnO films on Ag(0 0 1) in dependence on film thickness";
      Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 597 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Hüfner, M.A. Hossain, F. Müller:
      "Pseudogap and the superconducting energy in hole-doped high-temperature superconductors";
      Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 14519 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Hüfner, F. Müller:
      "Temperature dependence of the gaps of high-temperature superconductors in the Fermi-arc region";
      Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 14521 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner:
      "Angle-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy investigation of crystal-field transitions on MnO and NiO surfaces: Exchange scattering versus direct scattering";
      Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 85438 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner:
      "Comment on resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of MnO: L2,3 edge measurements and assessment of their interpretation";
      Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 117101 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • F. Müller, S. Hüfner, H. Sachdev:
      "One-dimensional structure of boron nitride on Cr(110)-A study of the growth of boron nitride by chemical vapour deposition of borazine";
      Surf. Sci. 602 (2008) 3467 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • A. Quinn, H. Mantz, K. Jacobs, M. Bellion, L. Santen:
      "Protein adsorption kinetics in different surface potentials";
      Europhysics Lett. 81 (2008) 56003 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • M. Bellion, L. Santen, H. Mantz, H. Hähl. A. Quinn. A. Nagel, C. Gilow, C. Weitenberg, Y. Schmitt, K. Jacobs:
      "Protein adsorption on tailored substrates: Long-range forces and conformational changes";
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 404226 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • K. Jacobs, S. Herminghaus, R. Seemann:
      "Stability and dewetting of thin liquid films, in 'Thin liquid films',";
      Eds. O. Tsui and T. Russel, World Scientific, ISBN 978-9-812-81881-2 (2008) (2008) 0 ISBN: 978-9-812-81881-2
      [ ]
    • H. Mantz, K. Jacobs, K. Mecke:
      "Utilizing Minkowski functionals for image analysis: a marching square algorithm";
      J.Stat. Mech 12 (2008) 12015 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • O. Bäumchen, K. Jacobs, R.Fetzer:
      "Probing slippage and flow dynamics of thin dewetting polymer films";
      Proceedings of 1st conference on microfluidics in Bologna (2008) 0 ISBN: 2-906831-76-X
      [ ]


    • D.K. Kim, K. Stöwe, F. Müller, W.F. Maier:
      "Mechanistic study of the unusual catalytic properties of a new Ni-Ce mixed oxide for the CO2 reforming of methane";
      Journal of Catalysis 247 (2007) 101 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • R. Fetzer, M. Rauscher, R. Seemann, K. Jacobs, K. Mecke:
      "Thermal noise influences fluid flow in thin films during spinodal dewetting";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 114503 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • R. Fetzer, A. Münch, B. Wagner, M. Rauscher, K. Jacobs:
      "Quantifying hydrodynamic slip: A comprehensive analysis of dewetting profiles";
      Langmuir 23 (2007) 10559 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • R. Fetzer, K. Jacobs:
      "Slippage of newtonian liquids: Influence on the dynamics of dewetting thin films";
      Langmuir 23 (2007) 11617 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • K. Jacobs:
      "Exploring biomaterials by atomic force microscopy: State-of-the-art and perspectives for tomorrow";
      Microsc. Microanal 13 (2007) 196
      [ ]
    • K.Jacobs, H.Mantz:
      "Warum fällt ein Gecko nicht von der Decke?";
      'Beiträge zur Experimentalphysik, Didaktik und computergestützten Physik' (2007) 139
      [ ]
    • R. Seemann, S. Herminghaus, K. Jacobs:
      "Structure Formation in Thin Liquid Films: Interface forces unleashed',";
      Eds. S. Kalliadasis and U Thiele, Reihe CISM Courses and Lectures No. 490, (2007) 0
      [ ]


    • M. Krämer, T. Schmidt, K. Stöwe, F. Müller, H. Natter, W.F. Maier:
      "Structural and catalytic aspects of sol gel derived copper manganese oxides as low-temperature CO oxidation catalyst";
      Applied Catalysis A: 313 (2006) 112 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Hüfner, S. Schmidt, F. Müller:
      "Comment on resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the oxygen K resonance of NiO: Nonlocal charge transfer and double-singlet excitations";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 269701 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • N. Harraghy, S. Seiler, K. Jacobs, M. Hannig, M.D. Menger, M. Herrmann:
      "Advances in in vitro and in vivo models for studying the staphylococcal factors involved in implant infections";
      International Journal of Artifical Organs 29 (2006) 368 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • R. Fetzer, M. Rauscher, A. Münch, B. A. Wagner, K. Jacobs:
      "Slip-controlled thin-film dynamics";
      Europhys. Lett. 75 (2006) 638 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • R. Seemann, K. Jacobs, K. Landfester, S. Herminghaus:
      "Freezing of polymer thin films and surfaces: The small molecular weight puzzle";
      J. Polym. Sci. B 44 (2006) 2968 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • H. Mantz, K. Jacobs:
      "Geckos haften besser an feuchten Oberflächen";
      Campus, Universität des Saarlandes 1 (2006) 20
      [ ]


    • F. Müller, K. Stöwe, H. Sachdev:
      "Symmetry versus commensurability: Epitaxial growth of hexagonal boron nitride on Pt(111) form B- trichloroborazine (ClBNH)3";
      Chem. Mater. 17 (2005) 3464 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, H. Kuhlmann:
      "Trendbericht Mikrofluidik";
      Nachrichten aus der Chemie 53 (2005) 300

    • R. Seemann, S. Herminghaus, C. Neto, S. Schlagowski, D. Podzimek, R. Konrad, H. Mantz, K. Jacobs:
      "Dynamics and structure formation in thin polymer melt films";
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 267 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • R. Fetzer, K. Jacobs, A. Münch, B. Wagner, T. P. Witelski:
      "New slip regimes and the shape of dewetting thin liquid films";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 127801 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • G. Huber, H. Mantz, R. Spolenak, K. Mecke, K. Jacobs, S. N. Gorb, E. Arzt:
      "Evidence for capillarity contributions to gecko adhesion from single spatula nanomechanical measurements";
      PNAS 102 (2005) 16293 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]


    • C. Neto, K. Jacobs:
      "Dynamics of hole growth in dewetting polystyrene films";
      Physica A 339 (2004) 66 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • K. Jacobs, R. Konrad, H. Mantz, D. Podzimek, A. Quinn, M. Meier, A. Nagel, O. Bäumchen:
      "Von Tropfen und Flüssigkeiten: Strukturbildung und Dynamik in makromolekularen Filmen";
      Magazin Forschung, Universität des Saarlandes 2 (2004) 2


    • F. Müller, K. Stöwe:
      "Surface core level shifts of Yb films in the multilayer, monolayer and submonolayer range";
      Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 629 (2003) 1805 ⇒ Abstract

    • J. Becker, G. Grün, R. Seemann, H. Mantz, K. Jacobs, K.R. Mecke, R. Blossey:
      "Complex dewetting scenarios captured by thin film models";
      Nature Materials 2 (2003) 59 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • C. Neto, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, R. Blossey, J. Becker, G. Grün:
      "Correlated dewetting patterns in thin polystyrene films";
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 (2003) 421 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • C. Neto, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, R. Blossey, J. Becker, G. Grün:
      "Satellite hole formation during dewetting: experiment and simulation";
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 (2003) 3355 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • S. Herminghaus, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann:
      "Viscoelastic dynamics of polymer thin films and surfaces";
      Eur. Phys. J. E 12 (2003) 101 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ]
    • Renate Konrad, Karin Jacobs:
      "Dynamik und Strukturbildung in makromolekularen Filmen";
      Dokumentation der Deutschen Physikerinnentagung 2003, Edt. by Cosima Schuster, Logos Verlag Berli (2003) 0
      [ ]


    • F. Müller:
      "Winkelaufgelöste Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie an epitaktischen Übergangsmetalloxid-filmen: Über das Streuverhalten niederenergetischer Elektronen bei der Anregung spinverbotener und spinerla";
      Shaker, Aachen (2002) 0 ISBN: 3-8322-0435-0 ⇒ Abstract

    • R. de Masi, D. Reinicke, F. Müller, P. Steiner, S. Hüfner:
      "The interface of Mn, Fe, Co and Au metal films on NiO(001), investigated by photoemission and low energy electron diffraction";
      Surf. Sci. 515 (2002) 523 ⇒ Abstract
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    • R. de Masi, D. Reinicke, F. Müller, P. Steiner, S. Hüfner:
      "The suppression of NiO reduction in Fe/NiO systems by use of an ultrathin MgO buffer layer, investigated by photoemission and low energy electron diffraction";
      Surf. Sci. 516 (2002) L515 ⇒ Abstract
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    • F. Müller, R. de Masi, D. Reinicke, P. Steiner, S. Hüfner, K. Stöwe:
      "Epitaxial growth of MnO/Ag(001) films";
      Surf. Sci. 520/3 (2002) 158 ⇒ Abstract
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    • S. Schlagowski, K. Jacobs, S. Herminghaus:
      "Transient pattern formation during the phase transitions of thin liquid crystalline films";
      Europhysics Lett. 57 (2002) 519 ⇒ Abstract
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    • C. Priest, K. Jacobs, J. Ralston:
      "A novel approach to the formation of smooth gold surfaces";
      Langmuir 18 (2002) 2438 ⇒ Abstract
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    • S. Herminghaus, R. Seemann, K. Jacobs:
      "Generic morphologies of viscoelastic dewetting fronts";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 56101 ⇒ Abstract
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    • D. Reinicke, F. Müller, R. de Masi, P. Steiner, S. Hüfner:
      "Comparison of MEED- and XPD-angular patterns from the Cu(001)-surface";
      J. Electron Spectroscop. Relat. Phenom. 114-116 (2001) 461 ⇒ Abstract
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    • J. Nissen, K. Jacobs, J. Rädler:
      "Interface dynamics of lipid membrane spreading on solid surfaces";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 1904 ⇒ Abstract
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    • R. Seemann, S. Herminghaus, K. Jacobs:
      "Gaining control on pattern formation of dewetting liquid films";
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13 (2001) 4925 ⇒ Abstract
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    • R. Seemann, R. Blossey, K Jacobs:
      "Polystyrene nanodroplets";
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13 (2001) 4915 ⇒ Abstract
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    • R. Seemann, S. Herminghaus, K. Jacobs:
      "Dewetting patterns and molecular forces: a reconciliation";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 5534 ⇒ Abstract
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    • S. Herminghaus, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann:
      "The glass transition of thin polymer films: Some questions and a possible answer";
      Euro. Phys. J. E 5 (2001) 531 ⇒ Abstract
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    • R. Seemann, S. Herminghaus, K. Jacobs:
      "Shape of a liquid front";
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 196101 ⇒ Abstract
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    • S. Herminghaus, R. Seemann, D. Podzimek, K. Jacobs:
      "Strukturbildung und Dynamik in makromolekularen Filmen";
      Nachrichten a. d. Chemie 49 (2001) 1398
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    • F. Müller, R. de Masi, P. Steiner, D. Reinicke, M. Stadtfeld, S. Hüfner:
      "EELS investigation of thin epitaxial NiO/Ag(001) films: Surfaces states in the multilayer and submonolayer range";
      Surface Science 459 (2000) 161 ⇒ Abstract
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    • S. Herminghaus, A. Fery, H. Gau, K. Jacobs, W. Mönch, T. Pompe, R. Seemann, S. Schlagowski:
      "Liquid microstructures at solid interfaces";
      J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 12 (2000) A57 ⇒ Abstract
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    • K. Jacobs:
      "Nanotomographie: Einblick in die Schuhsohle";
      Phys. Bl. 56 (2000) 13

    • K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, K. Mecke:
      "Dynamics of structure formation in thin films: A special spatial analysis', Edts. D. Stoyan and K. Mecke Series 'Lecture Notes in Physics', Vol. 'Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics'";
      Springer, Heidelberg (2000) 0 ISBN: 3-540-67750-X ⇒ Abstract
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    • M.A. Vicente Alvarez, G. Zampieri, D. Reinicke, F. Müller, P. Steiner, S. Hüfner:
      "Diffraction effects in the incident and exit paths of electrons backscattered from Cu(001) at medium energies";
      Phys. Rev. B 60 (1999) 4952 ⇒ Abstract
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    • F. Müller, P. Steiner, Th. Straub, D. Reinicke, S. Palm, R. de Masi, S. Hüfner:
      "Full hemispherical intensity maps of crystal field transitions in NiO(001) by angular resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy";
      Surf. Sci. 442 (1999) 485 ⇒ Abstract
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    • K. Jacobs, S. Herminghaus:
      "Strukturbildung in dünnen Filmen";
      Phys. Bl. 55 (1999) 35 DOI: 10.1002/phbl.19990551211 ⇒ Abstract
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    • K. Jacobs, H. Gau, S. Schlagowski, W. Mönch, T. Pompe, A. Fery, S. Herminghaus:
      "Dynamics of dewetting and structure formation in thin liquid films";
      Proc. European Coating Symposium 'Euromech 367' (Strasbourg, 22-25 July 1997) (1998) 392 ISBN: 2-909932-56-7

    • K. Jacobs, S. Herminghaus, K.R. Mecke:
      "Thin liquid polymer films rupture via defects";
      Langmuir 14 (1998) 965 ⇒ Abstract
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    • K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, G. Schatz, S. Herminghaus:
      "Growth of holes in liquid films with partial slippage";
      Langmuir 14 (1998) 4961 ⇒ Abstract
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    • S. Herminghaus, K. Jacobs, K. Mecke, J. Bischof, A. Fery, M. Ibn-Elhaj, S. Schlagowski:
      "Spinodal dewetting in liquid crystal and liquid metal films'";
      Science 282 (1998) 916 ⇒ Abstract
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    • B.-U. Runge, M. Dippel, G. Filleböck, K. Jacobs, U. Kohl, G. Schatz:
      "Induced magnetic hyperfine field at Ag sites near a Fe(100)/Ag(100) interface";
      Physical Review Letters 79 (1997) 3054 ⇒ Abstract

    • K. Jacobs:
      "Stabilität und Dynamik flüssiger Polymerfilme";
      UFO-Verlag Allensbach (1997) 0 ISBN: 3-930803-10-0

    • U. Kohl, M. Dippel, G. Filleböck, K. Jacobs, B.-U. Runge, G. Schatz:
      "Local magnetism of ultrathin fcc-Co films on Cu(100) investigated by In probes";
      Surface Science 407 (1997) 104 ⇒ Abstract


    • G. Krausch, R. Fink, K. Jacobs, B. Luckscheiter, J. Lohmüller, B.-U. Runge, U. Wöhrmann, G. Schatz:
      "Indium adsorption on silicon surfaces: A PAC study";
      Surface Science 285 (1993) 81 ⇒ Abstract

    • R. Fink, B.-U. Runge, K. Jacobs, G. Krausch, J. Lohmüller, B. Luckscheiter, U. Wöhrmann, G. Schatz:
      "Indium adsorption sites at Pd(100)-surfaces";
      J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 5 (1993) 3837 ⇒ Abstract

    • G. Schatz, R. Fink, K. Jacobs, U. Kohl, G. Krausch, J. Lohmüller, B. Luckscheiter, B.-U. Runge, U. Wöhrmann:
      "Nuclear probes for surface characterization";
      Physica Scripta 49 (1993) 554

    • R. Fink, B.-U. Runge, K. Jacobs, G. Krausch, B. Luckscheiter, R. Platzer, U. Wöhrmann, G. Schatz:
      "Compound formation at Pd(100)/In-interfaces";
      Hyperfine Interactions 78 (1993) 309 ⇒ Abstract

    • G. Krausch, R. Fink, K. Jacobs, U. Kohl, J. Lohmüller, B. Luckscheiter, R. Platzer, B.-U. Runge, U. Wöhrmann, G. Schatz:
      "Surface and interface studies with perturbed angular correlations";
      Hyperfine Interactions 78 (1993) 261 ⇒ Abstract


    • G. Krausch, K. Jacobs, R. Fink, J. Lohmüller, B. Luckscheiter, B.-U. Runge, U. Wöhrmann, G. Schatz:
      "Microscopic observation of a superstructure phase transition: In/Si(100)";
      Europhys. Letters 19 (1992) 611 ⇒ Abstract
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