Jacobs Group - Biofilms, Microfluidics, Functional Materials
Producing Water-in-Water- and Oil-in-Oil-Vesicles with Hydrophobins ⇒ read more
Measuring the Bacterial Contact Area with AFM ⇒ read more
Graphene formation from a fingerprint ⇒ read more

This department is affiliated with the experimental physics faculty, and specialises in condensed matter physics. Our research focusses on the properties of thin films, which we probe by modern analysis techniques like, atomic force microscopy, imaging ellipsometry, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and optical microscopy and UHV techniques like photoelectron spectroscopy. The aim of our studies is to understand for instance fluid flow at the solid/liquid interface on a nano- and micro scale, which depends on the surface characteristics of the substrate (roughness, structure, surface energy), the rheological properties of the liquid and the interaction parameters between the liquid, substrate and environment. These parameters and their influences are characterised in regard to the stability of lacquer coatings, the adsorption of biopolymers, or the rheological properties of complex fluids for instance. Moreover, we are for instance interested in the properties of thin solid films like graphene, where we probe structure and special electronic properties. Additionally we are interested in the analysis of data from imaging techniques, which enables the quantitative comparison of, for instance, roughness patterns. Theoretical works of cooperating scientific workgroups correlate with our experimental observations, with our results being more frequently applied to technical domains such as the lacquer or semiconductor industries. |