
Dr.  Hendrik Hähl

Büro 3.07
Tel: +49 (0) 681 / 302 71703
Fax: +49 (0) 681 / 302 71700


2000 Completion of Secondary Education
2001 Studies of Physics and Mathematics, Saarland University
2005 - 2006 Diploma Thesis: "Dynamics of complex fluids on a nanometer scale", Saarland University, Saarbrücken
2006 Physics Diploma, Saarland University
2006 - 2011 Dissertation "Protein adsorption at interfaces: Determination of adsorption kinetics and adsorbate structure with reflectivity methods", Saarland University
2012 - 2013 Postdoktorand im Institut für Physikalische Chemie der Universität Zürich
seit 2014 wiss. Mitarbeiter im SFB 1027 "Physical modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems”



    • A. Griffo, C. Sparn, F. Lolicato, F. Nolle, N. Khangholi, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury, M. Brinkmann, W. Nickeld, H. Hähl :
      "Mechanics of biomimetic free-standing lipid membranes: insights into the elasticity of complex lipid compositions";
      RSC Adv. 14 (2024) 13044 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA00738G ⇒ Abstract
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    • E. M. Klein, H. Heintz, R. Wurst, S. Schuldt, H. Hähl, K. Jacobs, J. Gescher:
      "Comparative analysis of the influence of BpfA and BpfG on biofilm development and current density in Shewanella oneidensis under oxic, fumarate- and anode- respiring conditions";
      Sci Rep 14 (2024) 23174 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-73474-w ⇒ Abstract
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    • F. Nolle, L. J. Starke, A. Griffo, M. Lienemann, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury, J. S. Hub, H. Hähl:
      "Hydrophobin Bilayer as Water Impermeable Protein Membrane";
      Langmuir 39 (2023) 13790 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01006 ⇒ Abstract
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    • J. Mischo, T. Faidt, R. B. McMillan, J. Dudek, G. Gunaratnam, P. Bayenat, A. Holtsch, C. Spengler, F. Müller, H. Hähl, M. Bischoff, M. Hannig, K. Jacobs:
      "Hydroxyapatite Pellets as Versatile Model Surfaces for Systematic Adhesion Studies on Enamel: A Force Spectroscopy Case Study";
      ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. (2022) DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c00925 ⇒ Abstract
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    • A. Som, A. Griffo, I. Chakraborty , H. Hähl, B. Mondal, A. Chakraborty, K. Jacobs, P. Laaksonen, O. Ikkala, T. Pradeep, N. Nonappa:
      "Strong and elastic membranes via hydrogen bonding directed self-assembly of atomically precise nanoclusters";
      Small (2022) accepted DOI: 10.1002/smll.202201707

    • F. Lolicato, R. Saleppico, A. Griffo, A. Meyer, F. Scollo, B. Pokrandt, H.-M. Müller, H. Ewers, H. Hähl, J.-B. Fleury, R. Seemann, M. Hof, B. Brügger, K. Jacobs, I. Vattulainen, W. Nickel:
      "Cholesterol promotes clustering of PI(4,5)P2 driving unconventional secretion of FGF2";
      J Cell Biol 221 (2022) e202106123 DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202106123 ⇒ Abstract
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    • J. Mischo, T. Faidt, R.B. McMillan, J. Dudek, G. Gunaratnam, P. Bayenat, A. Holtsch, C. Spengler, F. Mueller, H. Hähl, M. Bischoff, M. Hannig, K. Jacobs:
      "Hydroxyapatite pellets as versatile model surfaces for systematic studies on enamel";
      bioRxiv (2021) DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.11.426207 ⇒ Abstract
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    • F. Nolle, A. Griffo, K. Kochems, M. Lienemann, P. Laaksonen, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury, K. Jacobs, H. Hähl,:
      "Pure protein bilayers made from fungal hydrophobins: characteristics and chances for usage";
      European Biophysics Journal (conference contribution) 50 (2021) 171

    • A. Griffo, J.-B. Fleury, K. Jacobs, W. Nickel, R. Seemann, F. Nolle, C. Sparn, H. Hähl:
      "Insights on the effect of cholesterol and sphingomyelin on tension and elasticity of plasmalike freestanding model membranes from natural lipids";
      European Biophysics Journal (conference contribution) 50 (2021) 134


    • S. Güth-Thiel, I. Kraus-Kuleszka, H. Mantz, W. Hoth-Hannig, H. Hähl, J. Dudek, K. Jacobs, M. Hannig:
      "Comprehensive measurements of salivary pellicle thickness formed at different intraoral sites on Si wafers and bovine enamel";
      Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 246 ⇒ Abstract
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    • A. Griffo, B.J.M. Rooijakkers, H. Hähl, K. Jacobs, M.B. Linder, P. Laaksonen:
      "Binding Forces of Cellulose Binding Modules on Cellulosic Nanomaterials";
      Biomacromolecules 20 (2019) 769 ⇒ Abstract
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    • H. Hähl, A. Griffo, N. Safaridehkohneh, J. Heppe, S. Backes, M. Lienemann, M. B. Linder, L. Santen, P. Laaksonen, K. Jacobs:
      "Dynamic Assembly of Class II Hydrophobins from T. reesei at the Air–Water Interface";
      Langmuir 35 (2019) 9202-9212 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01078 ⇒ Abstract
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    • F. Müller, C. Spengler, T. Faidt, A. Holtsch, H. Hähl:
      "Comment on “Sonophotocatalytic degradation of textile dyes over Cuimpregnated ZnO catalyst in aqueous solution” by J. Shah et al.,Process Saf. Environ. Prot. 2018. 116 (2018) 149–158";
      Process. Saf. Environ. 129 (2019) 149 DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2019.05.054 ⇒ Abstract
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    • H. Hähl, J. Nabor Vargas, M. Jung, A. Griffo, P. Laaksonen, M. Lienemann, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury:
      "Adhesion Properties of Freestanding Hydrophobin Bilayers";
      Langmuir 34 (2018) 8542 ⇒ Abstract
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    • F. Müller, S. Grandthyll, T. Faidt, C. Spengler, H. Hähl:
      "Comment on “XPS and FTIR studies of sodium arsenate vitrification by cullet” by Z. Zhao et al., J. Non-Cryst. Solids 452 (2016) 238–244";
      Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 502 (2018) 253 ⇒ Abstract
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    • H. Hähl, J.N. Vargas, A. Griffo, P. Laaksonen, G. Szilvay, M. Lienemann, K. Jacobs, R. Seemann, J.-B. Fleury:
      "Pure Protein Bilayers and Vesicles from Native Fungal Hydrophobins";
      Advanced Materials 29 (2017) 1602888 ⇒ Abstract
      [ ] further information
    • J.D. Mc Graw, M. Klos, A. Bridet, H. Hähl, M. Paulus, J.M. Castillo, M. Horsch, and K. Jacobs:
      "Influence of bidisperse self-assembled monolayer structure on the slip boundary condition of thin polymer films";
      J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017) 203326 ⇒ Abstract
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    • A. Griffo, H. Hähl, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, A.Paananen, M. Ilmén, G. R. Szilvay, C.P. Landowski, M. Penttilä,K. Jacobs, P. Laaksonen:
      "Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Study on Modular Resilin Fusion Protein";
      ACS Omega 2 (2017) 6906 ⇒ Abstract
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    • C. Zeitz, T. Faidt, S. Grandthyll, H. Hähl, N. Thewes,C. Spengler, J. Schmauch, M. J. Deckarm, C. Gachot, H. Natter, M. Hannig, F. Müller, K. Jacobs:
      "Synthesis of hydroxyapatite substrates: bridging the gap between model surfaces and enamel";
      ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (2016) 25848 ⇒ Abstract
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    • M. Lessel, O. Bäumchen, M. Klos, H. Hähl, R. Fetzer, M. Paulus, R. Seemann, K. Jacobs:
      "Self-assembled silane monolayers: an efficient step-by-step recipe for high-quality, low energy surfaces";
      Surf. Interface Anal. 47 (2015) 557 ⇒ Abstract
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    • O. Bäumchen, H. Hähl, P. Loskill, K. Jacobs:
      "Vom Photolack zum Gecko: Wie intermolekulare Kräfte Adhäsion, Adsorption und Benetzung beeinflussen";
      PhysikJournal 14 (2015) 37 ⇒ Abstract

    • H. Hähl, I. Möller, I. Kiesel, S. Campioni, R. Riek, D. Verdes, and S. Seeger:
      "α‑Synuclein Insertion into Supported Lipid Bilayers As Seen by in Situ X‑ray Reflectivity";
      ACS Chem. Neurosci. 6 (2015) 374 ⇒ Abstract
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    • T.J. Hakala, P. Laaksonen, V. Saikko, T. Ahlroos, A. Helle, R. Mahlberg, H. Hähl, K. Jacobs, P. Kuosmanen, M.B. Linder, K. Holmberg:
      "Adhesion and tribological properties of hydrophobin proteins in aqueous lubrication on stainless steel surfaces";
      RSC Advances 2 (2012) 9867 ⇒ Abstract
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    • P. Loskill, H. Hähl, N. Thewes, C. T. Kreis, M. Bischoff, M. Herrmann, K. Jacobs:
      "Influence of the subsurface composition of a material on the adhesion of staphylococci";
      Langmuir 28 (2012) 7242 ⇒ Abstract
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    • H. Hähl, F. Evers, S. Grandthyll, M. Paulus, C. Sternemann, P. Loskill, M. Lessel, A. K. Hüsecken, T. Brenner, M. Tolan, K. Jacobs:
      "Subsurface influence on the structure of protein adsorbates revealed by in situ X-ray reflectivity";
      Langmuir 28 (2012) 7747 ⇒ Abstract
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    • O. Bäumchen, R. Fetzer, M. Klos, M. Lessel, L. Marquant, H. Hähl, K. Jacobs:
      "Slippage and nanorheology of thin liquid polymer films";
      J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 325102 ⇒ Abstract
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    • P. Loskill, H. Hähl, T. Faidt, S. Grandthyll, F. Müller, K. Jacobs:
      "Is adhesion superficial? Silicon wafers as a model system to study van der Waals interactions";
      Adv. Coll. Interf. Sci. 107 (2012) 179182 ⇒ Abstract
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    • S. Varjonen, P. Laaksonen, A. Paananen, H. Valo, H. Hähl, T. Laaksonen, M. Ben Linder:
      "Self-assembly of cellulose nanofibrils by genetically engineered fusion proteins";
      Soft Matter 7 (2011) 2402 ⇒ Abstract
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    • Y. Schmitt, H. Hähl, C. Gilow, H. Mantz, K. Jacobs, O. Leidinger, M. Bellion, L.Santen:
      "Structural evolution of protein-biofilms: Simulations and experiments";
      Biomicrofluidics 4 (2010) 32201 ⇒ Abstract
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    • M. Bellion, L. Santen, H. Mantz, H. Hähl. A. Quinn. A. Nagel, C. Gilow, C. Weitenberg, Y. Schmitt, K. Jacobs:
      "Protein adsorption on tailored substrates: Long-range forces and conformational changes";
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 404226 ⇒ Abstract
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